Baroque Death Stool for my work bench.

Here is a very particular piece of furniture exclusively for holding not-dirty-yet clothes.

Here are a couple of big trundle drawers to complete the big Hettie bed.

Twin Bed If you tell your 4yr old daughter that she can pick out any wood she wants for her new big bed, don’t be surprised if she falls in love with the bright purple kind. While I would never select such a color scheme for myself or anyone else, I think this bed turned …

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Big girl bed for our little Hettie’s 5th birthday. Designed by both of us. I picked the shapes, she picked the colors.

If you’re lucky and patient enough to be a pre-k teacher to my snotty, whining, temperamental, sweet little 4 yr old angel, well, this will be your thank you gift at the end of the year. These lucky teachers happen to be twins, so thats why there’s two of the same. The knob on top …

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Credenza Let’s say you have all the other necessary furniture in your house accounted for: a dining table, a bed, a couch, a desk, etc. What then do you do with all the stuff that inevitably accumulates that doesn’t otherwise have a place: the books to return, the overdue bills, the quarterly reports due at …

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A credenza made out of beautiful cherry.

Neighborhood43 x 32″Oil on canvas2024

A Travel Journal Books The title is “A Travel Journal,” and it shows a series of artworks woven together with a simple, yet intriguing story that is an allegory for the last few years of my life. Note: This book is not intended for children. There’s nothing sexual or violent in the art and story, but …

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