Here’s a conversation that happened between Lane and Seth while they were looking at a book called “Around the Day in Eighty Worlds” by Julio Cortazar:
Seth- Hey this book has really cool pictures in it.
Lane- Yeah, it’s a good book. That’s why I bought it, idiot.
S- Wouldn’t it be neat if I picked my favorite pictures out of the book and painted them, and you picked your favorite pictures out of the book and painted them, and I didn’t know which ones you picked, and you didn’t know which ones I picked? Then we would see how much we have in common. It would be a fun surprise at the end!
L- That sounds like a good time. I like little paintings.
S- I like little paintings too. How many pictures should we paint?
L- I dunno. Like 15?
S- Sure, that’s enough.
They both decided it would be even more fun to show other people what they made. Lane decided it would be best to show these paintings at the only logical place- the store where he bought his copy of the book: Kaboom Books. Seth agreed. Seth bought his copy on Amazon.com.